Presents the procedure of FLAC3D modelling via a case example of shaft-adit-tunnel excavated in a soft ground environment.Module 1 – An Introduction to Advanced Numerical Modelling: Where and What to Use? andmodelling steps, results analysis/interpretations, and model validation/calibrationwith real data from lab tests or field measurements
Module 5 – Modelling in FLAC3D 7: scripting a FISH code to conduct sequenced excavation of a shaft-tunnel in soft ground (with shotcrete and rockbolts support) Module 4 – Modelling in 3DEC 5.20: scripting a FISH code to conduct sequenced excavation of a cavern-pillar in hard rock supported by rock bolts Module 3 – Geometrical Considerations:Creating geometries and mesh in 3DEC using a FISH function and buildinggeometries in Rhinoceros and meshing it in Griddlefor FLAC3D analysis Module 2 – Geomechanical Considerations: Estimation of rock mass parameters and initial conditions for continuum and discontinuummodelling, calculations and scripting a FISH Code to conduct Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) testing, advanced constitutive models, programming for the in-situ stress assignment, etc.